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120 Birds
Timing is everything, as they say. But sometimes you just don’t get it right. I’m in Perth at the moment and will miss Liz Lea’s production of 120 Birds. What a shame! Would have loved to see it . . .
I spoke to Liz on the phone though the other day. She and her dancers performed the show in Canberra on the weekend. Sounds as if it went really well.
I think what excites me most about 120 Birds is the impressive cast which includes young dancers Ash Bee, Melanie Fayd’herbe de Maudave and Miranda Wheen, alongside Liz herself. Plus there will be a cameo appearance by four female dancers from Canberra Dance Theatre’s GOLD group, all between 55 and 85 years of age!
As for the piece itself: It’s a celebration of dance legend Anna Pavlova and tells the story of a fictional Australian dance company in the 1920’s and 30’s. According to Liz, there will be “fashion and feathers” in form of dozens of vintage costumes, archival film footage, songs from the 1920’ s and 30’s and of course dance, dance, dance – in all its ways, shapes and forms. Sounds like great fun.
By the way, the reason why I’m in Perth is to work with young dancer Sofie Burgoyne and to teach two workshops. More from here soon.
Enjoy 120 Birds!!!
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